BNA Bound Baby!
Well, I might as well kick off this new adventure with some BIG news! The Moore Crew is Nashville bound ya’ll!! After years of dreaming & talking about it-we are finally doing it! Much thought and many prayers went into making this decision. We decided this was going to be the year of adventure and to try new things! Nashville has so much to offer and has always been a magical place for us. Rhett & I both wanted to teach our children when God gives you a second chance-you take it! If you have a dream-chase it! There is so much to be said in new beginnings!
We are beyond excited for this next chapter! Rhett will continue working with AT&T and I will continue my work as a Make Up Artist & Esthetician (more on that later)! We will live in beautiful, historic Franklin (about 15 minutes from downtown). We have friends & family in Nashville and close by in Huntsville. One of the things I am most excited about is being closer to my sweet Mimi! The time is always right to come home, but not always to leave. If there was ever a time to spread our wings and fly-that time is now!
We invite you to follow our journey on my blog “Moore Than Make Up”. I feel very compelled to write again and this is the perfect place to start. We hope you join us on our adventures.
I will miss this city and its people-especially MY people but the time is right to go. Charleston holds my heart, but Nashville has my soul. This is not good bye, but a “see you real soon”! Be well sweet people-and come see us in the BNA!!